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I can’t possibly understand the value of this thing. Evindale’s been a part of my life—I don’t know anything else—and other people have other things going on of equal value to them.
But then I see players add new things—they create characters, homes, new lore—and then I get it. But then it’s no longer mine. Evindale finally has a home: in the hearts of the players.
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Once Upon a Time
Evindale has been a work in progress since the late 70s/early 80s when I taped together sheets of hex paper, picked up colored pencils, and started drawing the northwestern shores of Iviria. To name the cities and countries, I either made them up or spun a globe and planted a finger blindly. Places like Karak in Moab made it onto the map because, as a 14-year-old, I had no idea this world would one day become a reality.
Over the next few years, I detailed a world that felt like home. Cities were added and detailed on other pieces of paper. Every shop and inhabitant of the Grand City of Cultrek was documented. By the time I started high school, I had four filing cabinet drawers full of details, maps, and character sheets.
Then “The Purge” happened. Most of what I had written, drawn, noted, and mapped was destroyed during the great D&D scare of the 80s. To this day, I only have one interior shop map, the world map, and two pages of city shop details. I’m sure they’ll make their way into a supplement. I’ll put a symbol near the map or something. Only you and I will know what it means. 😉
After The Purge, a creative funk took hold. I stopped playing D&D for many years, though I carried the world map with me whenever I moved.
In 1990-’92, I co-owned a company with 2200 square feet of gaming space. There I met some of my greatest friends. Geof Davis became the Art Director for a gaming newsletter I was publishing. After hours, the World of Evindale opened back up, and the Principalities of Mutvia, Dmitri Vladescu (played by Geof), Aleksandr Dracovich (today, an NPC), and more came to life. Evindale was reborn.
Over the years, I added small details here and there. Around 2009, I scanned the worn paper map I had carried through many moves and started rebuilding it digitally. As old paper hexes were covered by electronic pixels, stories of the lands came to mind, and names were changed on the fly. The world started to speak to me again. Unfortunately, the original paper map has been lost as of this writing.
This work has been over 40 years in the making, and I sincerely hope you love it as much as I have enjoyed dreaming of it.
Dream it, create it, reinvent it. I turn the world over to you.
Welcome to Evindale.
Steve Kraus
July 2024