Type: Adventurer’s Guild
Scope: International, Strong Influence
Headquarters: Aldspire, Aigle
Membership: Open to all who uphold honor and camaraderie.
Key Members: High Guildmaster Altheron Fyrwyn
Reputation: Revered by common folk and seen as a bastion of trust and justice.
Specialty: Monster-slaying, political escort missions, artifact recovery.
The Argent Brotherhood is the most respected adventurer’s guild in Evindale. Its silver wolf sigil symbolizes reliability and honor. Operating out of a fortified hall in Alspire, the guild fosters camaraderie, fairness in contracts, and protection for the vulnerable. While critics view them as overly sanctimonious, the Brotherhood’s dedication to integrity remains unshaken.
Type: Adventurer’s Guild
Scope: Regional (Courfe), Weak Influence
Headquarters: Kartholm, Courfe
Membership: Open, minimal requirements
Key Members: Guildmaster Tolver Yegg
Reputation: Derisively called “The Toothless Hound.”
Specialty: Low-risk bounties, desperate contracts.
Once a thriving guild, the Houndstooth Guild has fallen into disrepair due to mismanagement and infighting. Operating out of a shabby hall in Kartholm, it struggles to attract skilled adventurers. Often taking on contracts refused by others, the guild’s desperation for work leads to frequent failures, further tarnishing its reputation.
Type: Mercenary Guild
Scope: National (Erinnal), Strong Underground Influence
Headquarters: Hidden location in Erinnal’s underworld
Membership: Secretive, estimated at 500+ members
Key Members: Mistress Cevarra Kalyn, a/k/a The Black Rose
Reputation: Feared and loathed for its ruthless efficiency.
Specialty: Espionage, assassination, smuggling, extortion.
The Black Rose is Erinnal’s largest mercenary guild, known for undertaking morally ambiguous contracts. Operating in the shadows, the guild thrives on secrecy and fear. While some claim their reputation is exaggerated by competitors like the Evairdon League, few doubt their deadly efficiency. Membership remains exclusive, and their hidden headquarters adds to their mystique.
Type: Religious Adventurer’s Guild
Scope: National (Ivari), Strong Influence
Headquarters: Grand Cathedral, Sunmorne, Ivari
Membership: Open to devout individuals, primarily clerics and paladins
Key Members: High Hierophant Lavria Corimel
Reputation: Revered by the devout, criticized as overzealous by skeptics.
Specialty: Sacred missions, exorcisms, divine crusades.
Dedicated to divine causes, the Divine Concordium champions the will of the gods. Operating from a grand cathedral in Sunmorne, its members root out corruption and protect the faithful. While respected by the devout, their rigid adherence to divine law often places them at odds with more secular factions.
Type: Arcane Guild
Scope: National (Amsträd), Strong Influence
Headquarters: Magically warded spire in Lyceas, Amsträd
Membership: Arcanists, scholars, spellcasters
Key Members: Archmagister Solyndra Vethryn
Reputation: Renowned for magical innovation, but seen as elitist.
Specialty: Arcane artifact recovery, planar excursions, countering rogue magic.
The Vanguard Society is a prestigious guild of arcanists and scholars focused on exploring and protecting arcane knowledge. Based in a towering spire in Lyceas, it maintains extensive libraries and laboratories. Although their contributions to magical studies are invaluable, their insular nature often draws criticism.
Type: Mercantile Adventurer’s Guild
Scope: Regional (Cultrek), Growing Influence
Headquarters: Winthaven, Cultrek
Membership: Open to merchants and adventurers with a knack for trade
Key Members: Guildmaster Karyn Arrell
Reputation: Fair and competitive, with a growing foothold in trade and adventuring.
Specialty: Trade route protection, treasure recovery, mercantile ventures.
The Crossroads Trayd’ng Company combines trade and adventuring, attracting ambitious individuals seeking fortune. Based in Winthaven, the guild’s reputation for fair treatment and lucrative contracts has fueled its rapid growth. Rivalries with the Black Rose and Evairdon League highlight its ambition.
Type: Military Guild
Scope: Regional (Tunbria), Moderate Influence
Headquarters: Tunsheimlande Landestoodt, Tunbria (The Black Keep)
Membership: Tunbrian citizens, lawful or neutral non-evil alignments
Key Members: approx 325
Reputation: Respected for discipline and duty.
Specialty: Managing Black Keep prison, bounty hunting.
The Black March oversees the operations of the world’s largest prison, the Black Keep, and acts as bounty hunters for the Tunbrian government. This Fayerite order of vyers ensures prisoners serve society through hard labor, maintaining strict discipline and order. Their alliances with the Silent Hand and Anshaya bolster their mission.
Type: Healing Guild
Scope: Global, Weak Influence
Headquarters: Tunsheimlande Landestoodt, Tunbria
Membership: Devotees of the Fayerite Code, skilled in healing and curing
Key Members: unknown
Reputation: Known for altruism and strict adherence to non-violence.
Specialty: Eradicating poisons, disease, and magical death effects.
The Silent Hand is a global healing organization devoted to the Fayerite Code. Members eschew weapons, focusing entirely on healing and life preservation. Based in Tunbria’s Black Keep, the guild’s dedication to free healing services and their unique ability to turn healing energy into a weapon against evil set them apart.
Type: Divine Adventurer’s Guild
Scope: National (Mütvia), Strong Influence
Headquarters: Undisclosed location in Mütvia
Membership: Zealots, vyers, and commoners devoted to Nor’dagha
Key Members: Grand Inquisitor Domovich
Reputation: Feared for their zeal and disregard for local laws.
Specialty: Witch hunting, eradicating dark magics, and protecting sanji.
The Guild of the Branch is a ruthless organization dedicated to eradicating dark magic and protecting Nor’dagha’s realm. Their divine mandate often leads them to ignore political boundaries and enforce Nature’s Might with brutal efficiency. Their zealousness and refusal to compromise make them both revered and feared.
Type: Monster Hunter Guild
Scope: Regional (Mütvia), Exclusive Influence
Headquarters: Nomadic, operates regionally in Mütvia
Membership: By invitation only, after proving oneself as a hunter
Key Members: unknown
Reputation: Renowned hunters of supernatural threats.
Specialty: Hunting vampires, werewolves, plagued spirits, and other monsters.
The Hammer & Thorn is a small but elite guild of monster hunters. Membership is exclusive, offered only to those who prove themselves independently. Their expertise in dealing with Mütvia’s supernatural horrors has earned them a reputation as the region’s most reliable protectors against the things that go bump in the night.