The worlds were not always so. Eight ages were seen in the visions, even those yet to come.  From Sythlia’s rise, to her fall, to her rise again

For this reason I shall not eschew the ways of old, but instead remain as a bearer of the lantern of the Bright.

Gerr Hammon, Fifth Age Old Faith Seer
In a letter to their friend who cautioned against belief

The First Age

The Creation

Sythlia creates deathless universes from the dreams of the slumbering Tirsar and ends her creation with Ævyn, the Great Consort. Now a physical being, Sythlia taskes rest with her consort on a small planet called Ævyndal.

The Eight Elements, the building blocks of Sythlia’s realms, are given life in the form of elementals.  Sythlia watches as some evolve and others she forces into creation.

Ævyn is slaughtered as the victim in the First Murder and the divine energy contained within him is released in a mutating torrent that sweeps across all worlds and dimensions of Sythlia’s creation. Creatures large and small began to change. Magical creatures appear from their once natural ancestors and some would become god-kings.

This is a time of creation, wild magic, and discovery.

The Second Age

Rise of Chaos & God-Kings

A universe of unending life led to overcrowding. People begged Sythlia for help. Instead, she sent Ævyn to quell the masses. He was killed and the release of corrupted divine energy led to universe-wide chaos as Death makes its entrance. Tyrannical god-kings called italti rise to subjugate the now death-feared masses.

This is a time of barbarism, tribal survival, and heroic action.

The Third Age

Expansion of Empires

The last of the god-kings are killed after millenniums of brutal tyranny. Free empires form and expand over a short time, forcing creatures horrible and magnificent to the periphery of the worlds.

Cities gleam with newness, magic is exciting and just beginning to be understood. Adventurers are hired to explore ancient italti ruins and hidden dungeons, to forge new paths to distant realms, and best the beasts on the outskirts of civilizations.

This is a time of high fantasy and exploration.

The Fourth Age

Expansion of Empires

Empires have settled. Civilization grows stagnant. Politics and the evil of greed lead to exploration of powerful, ancient magics and distant lands.

Gothic architecture becomes prevalent. The undead walk the world as superstition proves true. Draconian princes rise and people stay home at night.

It’s discovered some of the italti still exist in hiding and seek a return. Superstition and ignorance grows as the world’s educational facilities become increasingly controlled.

Ancient artifacts are discovered, their use brings about world-shaking change.  Eldritch, natural magics are released.  Nature and the creatures once forced to the periphery begin to reclaim territory. People grow weary of strife.

This is a time of dark fantasy and oppressive regimes.

The Fifth Age

Fall of the Gods

Cults seek power and try to understand the master plan of the universe. Ancient artifacts from the First Age are discovered and reassembled.

Those that reassembled the Caldra’fa Helix caused Nor’dagha, the spirit of uncaring Nature, to seperate from Sythlia and rise to power. It seeks the destruction of all things not part of Sythlia’s original plan. Cities begin to crumble and knowledge is lost.

This is a time of post-apocalyptic fantasy survival.

The Sixth Age

Age of Science

Humanity turns to science, invention, and industrialization. It’s deemed only fools dare attempt rediscovery of magic and faith is relegated to secretive, dangerous cults that summon seemingly impossible creatures from other dimensions.

Knowledge of magical practice is replaced by ignorant secret societies.  Class hierarchies take hold as old money and once-noble families cling tenaciously to power.

It’s discovered some of the italti still exist in hiding and seek a return. Superstition and ignorance grows as the world’s educational facilities become increasing controlled.

 This is a time of dark Victorian horror and exploration into the hidden.

The Seventh Age

Rise of the Syndicate

Science is told to be distrusted.   Anti-intellectualism gives rise to tyrannical governments whose laws replace free-thinking.  World governments unite under The Syndicate.  Prison-like megacities spread like viruses as worlds are stripped of their resources.

The Syndicate’s control spreads with the invention of the Ion-X drive, making intergalactic warp travel possible. The Syndicate’s Board releases simulants, powerful artificial life forms, to seize control over most of civilization.

This is a time of cyberpunk science fiction and anti-fascist rebellion.

The Eight Age

Dawn of Hope

After centuries of rule, The Syndicate’s borders grow weak as rebellion tears apart the empire from within.  Revival of the old ways leads to rediscovery of magic and ancient faith.  Sythlia is discovered and faith rises as the old ways are practiced.

This is a time of high fantasy in a science fiction environment.