
The first of the elemental fae imbued with Sythlia’s were those of earth.  Called “feral” by some other th’il owing to their seeming lack of higher thinking, the adri’il are known for facial hair, pointed upper and lower canines, matter-of-fact mannerisms, and a penchant for adhering to their baser instincts.

As the most physically powerful of the th’il, the adri are often the frontline fighters of Wyth Tyr’il, their traditional homeland.

Hit Points 8
Size Medium (avg height 5′ 9″ / 175 cm; avg weight 155 lbs / 70 kg)
Age Adolescence, 40; Adult, 75; Middle Age, 150; Old, 240; Venerable, 325; Avg lifespan, 550
Speed 30
Ability Boosts Strength, Dexterity, Free
Ability Flaw Intelligence
Languages Petran, One regional, additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if it’s positive)
Traits Elf, Humanoid
Vision Low-light Vision

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