From the elements did the creatures of Ævyndal arise. Some Sythlia let evolve on their own path, adjusting to the elements however they may.  Others, the Mother touched and forced the manifestation of their destiny through a prearrangement of the elements.  Others still were created entirely through prescribed combinations of the elements, perhaps in seeking a balance only knowledge of Her Plan may reveal.
“The Birth of the People”, Grandastium

History of the People

The people of Evindale are varied not only in appearance, but also in origin. Some evolved naturally (the “evolved”), others had a divine hand force rapid evolution (the “touched”), and some were created directly by deity (the “created”).

Sythlia, creator of the material universe and its tangential planes, began with the Eight Elements—Sun, Air, Fire, Void, Moon, Earth, Water, and Spirit. She imbued them with life, creating the elementals. Dissatisfied with their lack of free will, Sythlia forced their evolution into the elemental fae. Eventually, Sythlia would impart enough of her own will on them and thus was born the th’il.

The Th’il
The th’il were drawn to environments that resonated with the element of their origins. The adri’il would be found In the forests (earth), the slindar’il in the shadows (moon), ryal’il found home in water, myrad’il enjoyed the deserts (fire), and the theran’il found mountain peaks to their liking (air). Others came from different dimensions: the fayd’il hailed from the void, and the vaud’il from the world of spirits. Sythlia created the last of the th’il from her own knowledge, the lithar’il.

The Touched
Some of Sythlia’s creations took eons to mold, and still noticed some lifeforms had untapped potential. Curious if the autonomy given to the th’il could manifest in existing creatures, she touched some to force rapid evolution. From wild cats, the thiraf evolved.

The Evolved
Sythlia was not alone in creating life. Some dreg’n, the primordial beings she crafted from space-time to assist in the formation of universes, had created massive creatures of power and natural magics. These would later evolve on their own into dragons. Over time, some lived with humanoids and their descendants would eventually become dragonkin: the mighty t’nao, the diminutive kobold, and others.

The Klane
Sythlia had learned much and fashioned creatures embodying the eight elements perfectly. These klane are the humans of the material plane and umbrans in the plane of shadow. After death was introduced to the world, the vivashan would join the ranks as a mortal created being, the resurrected or constructed body that still has the balanced energies of the elements within.

As her worlds grew overpopulated, Sythlia grew weary. She created the Great Consort, Ævyn, to address the people. This would be the last of her creations.

Ævyn traveled Sythlia’s worlds, seeking to ease the people’s burdens. Though of infinite divine energy, he lacked the wisdom to meet their needs, and the people grew restless.

The Dranorvauri
Tired but unable to stop creating, Sythlia called upon Benos. This was the personification of material creation and commanded it to bring life from physical matter. Thus, the dranorvauri were created. This, in turn, also released knowledge of material creation, or crafting. Beings were created from stone and iron, the karuun and guelt, and from hills and plains, the igyrlin and tirfolk.

The First Murder, however, halted further creation.

The First Murder
Ævyn did not answer the call of the overpopulated. Many grew angry and sought to exert their will on what they now perceived as their world. One fashioned a crude iron object, and Ævyn’s touch tainted his body with mortal will, destroying his body. The resulting surge of death introduced arcana, a corrupted divine energy, into the world.

The Children of the Italti
The Surge washed over the universe. It mutated Sythlia’s creations and introduced death. Magical beasts arose, some th’il grew distorted with this new arcane knowledge, and horrific creatures emerged from these lands soaked with Ævyn’s blood.

Some creatures, saturated with this new power, transformed into god-like beings called italti. Some became tyrannical and created their own creatures, the Children of the Italti.

In other worlds, the quirky elemental fae were influenced by mortal will and this resulted in the rise of gnomes.

The Last of the Dranorvauri
Organic compounds now existed, and Benos’ final act was raising beings from soil and clay, the gol. They are the last to be divinely created.

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