A Lexicon of the Mütvian Language

Mütvian Alphabet


  • a – ah
  • e – ay
  • i – ee
  • o – oh
  • u – uh
  • ü – always oo as in moo. Ex. Mütvia (MOOT-vee-ah)
  • ö – always oy as in boy.  Ex. Vöhjesti (VOYZH-ess-tee), always followed by i if at end of word
  • ó – always aw as in claw or awl.  Ex. Drósti (DRAW-stee)
  • g – hard g as in go
  • j – always zh; second g in garage.
  • st – always sht

In the south, vowels are typically pronounced in the back of the throat, lending to the deep-throated stereotypical sound of a Mütvi.

In the north, vowels are pronounced more in the front of the mouth and the pace of speech is slightly quicker.



In some stories you may come across entire phrases written in a foreign language.  (Mütvian is an actual language being developed!)  We’ll replicate those sentences here.

Jana soit io tanü – [Mother Nor’dagha] Protect my soul; lit. “Jana, soul of mine to protect”

  • Jana (ZHAH-nah) – Name for protective aspect of Nor’dagha, a cultural deity of old
  • soit (soh-EET) – soul
  • io (EE-oh) – my, of mine; Ex. soit io, lit. soul of mine
  • tanü (TAH-noo) – to protect

Jera jüs lusasö / Mütvia Rejestöi – Only in our hearts / Does Mütvia live; lit. “Hearts of the Mütvian people only, Mütvia [will] reign eternal”

  • Jera (ZHAIR-uh)  hearts, pl. of jer, heart; Ex. Jer io!, “My heart! / Heart of mine!”, a greeting cry to another of friendship
  • jüs (ZHOOSS) of the Mütvian people; intended to describe something belonging to those of Mütvian birth by natural law, e.g. Mütvia itself
  • lüsasöi (LOO-suh-soy) only
  • Rejestöi (RAYZH-eh-shtoy) eternal reign and life.  Lit. Reju (to reign) + es (suf. es-, eternal) + tö (life) + i (always follows ö at the end of a word).  Traditional spelling dictates capitalization when used after Mütvia in a sentence.

Greetings, Partings, and Customs

When speaking with fellow Mütvians in their own caste, the informal (inf) is always used.

When speaking to a fellow Mütvian but of another caste, the formal (for) is always used.

When speaking to an outsider, esp. someone viewed with suspicion, neutrality, negativity, distaste, distrust, or general hatred, the expletive (exp) greeting or parting is used.  If an expletive greeting or parting is used with another Mütvian regardless of caste, it will be seen as a grave insult as the insulter, for all intents and purposes, called a fellow Mütvian an outsider.

There are many times when a Mütvian does not know to whom they are speaking, be it a spirit or stranger. In these cases, the unfamiliar (unf) is used.

Jera!  (inf. greeting) My heart! / Heart of mine!
Sa er sülve (inf. parting) Be safe, abbr. sa sülve
Bruso sóro  (for. greeting) Good day
Bruso devro  (for. parting) Good night
Vruso sóro  (exp. greeting) Hello
Vruso devro  (exp. parting)  Goodbye
Gorsi, sülve, ia paksilo. (Any) Strength, safety, and peace.


Lexicon of Old Mütvian

It should be noted the drósti have their own lexicon to describe those things of drósti and not of drósti.

an (n) year
av (adj) new
bövi (v) to end, conclude
bruso (adj) good
da  (adv) yes, pronunciation DAH
de (prep) ofbyforfromtowith, pronunciation DAY
derastövya  (n) congratulations, e.g. In celebration of the couple’s wedding, everyone shouted
devro  (n) night, pl. devra
devzu (v) to awaken, lit. to survive the night (devro, night + zu, to survive)
eg (number) one
eo (pro) his, pronunciation AY-oh
eono (pro) him, pronunciation ay-OH-no
eru  (v) to be
es-  (suffix, adj) eternal, from esso
esso  (adj) eternal
eströijia (n) portal to elsewhere (eh-STROY-zhya), ex.  The Veiled Gate is a powerful eströijia
euso (n) door (ay-OO-soh)
gamalad (n) family
gera (n) mouth (body part), pl. geraa
gi (pro) us
go (pro) we
gorsi (noun) strength
kamman (n) work
kamu (v) to work
kärt (n) horn
kerse (n) west 
korvo (n) raven, pl. korva, poss. korvi
kouro (n) heart, pl. koura
kua (number) two
i (prep) in
ia (conj) andpronunciation EE-ah
ije (n) something internalized, within one’s self
io (pro) my, of mine
-iy (suf) possessive akin to ‘s in english
  (n) heart, pl. jera
jüs (adj) of the Mütvian people by laws of nature; concept of the same
lo (pro) I
lüsasöi (adv) only
lavitu (v) to love
lavo (n) love
(n) house
mitsa (adj) weak
mizhak (n) a brute
muchal (n) a whisper
müt (n) people, residents of an area; typically refers only to humans
mütanuri (n) lit. protector of the people (müt, humans + tanu, to protect, + -ri, one who performs the action of he modified verb)
Mütvi (pr) Mütvians; collective proper noun for natural born citizens of Mütvia, lit. People of the Land, including nobles.  When used by nobles, its use infrequently includes drósti.
naviu (v) to eat
ne (adv) no, pronunciation NAY
nelik (adj) happy
nes (pro) he/she/they; gender neutral, can apply to any sentient being
nis (pro) him/her/them; gender neutral, can apply to any sentient being
paksilo (n) peace, or the concept of
prusko (v) said; past and past participle of prusku
prusku (v) to say
 (v) to reign
reje (n) reign, ex. the prince’s reign
rejestöi (n, adj) one’s eternal reign and life
-ri (suf) one who performs the action of the modified verb, ex. singer: sinturi (sintu, to sing + ri, one who…)
rish (n) sleep
rishu (v) to sleep
sa (pro) you
sanji (n) land spirits (see voisti) that often appear as small, misshapen humanoids
sant (n) a story
santu (v)  to tell, to relate
sem (n) sign
sera (n) shadow
seragia (n) gate, as in a garden gate (SEH-reh-gee’-uh)
sint (n)  a song
sin•tu (v)  to sing
so•it  (n) a soul
sóro  (n) day
sta•la (n) plan, of premeditated design
ströi (adj) a terrible state of affairs, significant strife
sül•ve (adj) safe
sü•maj•o (n) guild, i.e. commoner guild
ta•nu  (v) to protect
tesh•vir (n) cousin
-ty (suf) -ing
ty•ne (v) to hold
trár (number) three
töi  (n) life
üd•vyzd (n) welcome
uo (pro) hers, pronunciation OO-oh
u•o•no (pro) her, pronunciation oo-OH-no
vi (n) land
via (n) the Land
vizh (adj) all, every
vo•isti (n) any of the Mütvian land spirits
vru•so  1. (n) death; 2. (n) journey, esp. one out of or into Mütvia
yo (pro) I
zed•nya (n) danger
zhak•dov (n) an oath or promise
  (v) to go
zu (v) to survive