Aliases: Ne’sarious, Neseris Ri Svae, The Wraith of Dra’anan, Cursed of Ysara
Hailing from the wastelands of Dra’anan, few in the circles of magic have not heard the name of the Sadrath scholar and magus known as Neseris.
Known for his research in soul-crafting and blood magic, Neseris has also served as one of the nine of the Serulean Cabal of Amstrad, Minister of Security to the Emperor of Tunbria (where he was awarded the County of Svae), and more recently as a self-appointed prince of Mütvia.
Contrary to his flair for fashion, Neseris performs his studies (and presumably lives) in an unnamed decrepit stone tower in the southeastmost portion of Mütvia. The exact nature of his studies is unknown, but they have left a formally lush land barren and destroyed.
Few have engaged with this ancient being without paying his stated “simple” price: a single drop of their blood.